‘Solo quiero agradecerte tu ayuda todos estos años desde la compra de nuestra casa en España, las gestiones con el banco, la presentación de impuestos anuales y especialmente tu cariño al resolver los temas después de la muerte de Paul en 2019. No dudaría en recomendar tus servicios.»
“Sra. Prieto Alonso nos ayudó mucho cuando mi señora y yo tuvimos que redactar nuestros testamentos. Siendo extranjeros (de Escocia) que no hablan un castellano perfecto, el sistema legal de España es para nosotros un verdadero campo de minas pero nuestra abogada nos proporcionó todo tipo de ayuda y consejo necesario. Recomendaría los servicios de Sra. Prieto Alonso, concretamente para los que, como nosotros, necesitan un nivel de asistencia más allá de lo normal.”
“I worked with Maria for over 5 years whilst I was head of the Foreign Property Department of a medium sized firm of solicitors in Manchester England. Maria was an invaluable of the team working under me.We acted for clients buying and selling properties on the mainland of Spain and also on the Balearics and the Canaries. We investigated the title to the properties and also checked on charges and other outgoings payable on the properties. In addition we acted for clients in relation to inheritances of Spanish property advising on taxes due and payment of such taxes. In conjunction with the Spanish Consulate in Manchester we prepared Declarations of Inheritance and liaised with local lawyers in Spain to pay the tax due on such deaths. We also prepared Powers of Attorney for any Spanish transaction using a local notary or the Consulate for signature. We also advised clients about the necessity to obtain a Fiscal identity number. Maria was the mainstay of the Department and was well liked by clients and was an excellent lawyer. She actively participated in all our marketing efforts and was an excellent and valued team member. I was very sorry to see her leave the firm and move back to Madrid to start up her own firm there. Even after that I still used her for Spanish work as required from time to time. ”
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